Stress and Anxiety in School-Aged Children (Parent Session with Dr. Jules Nolan): Even before COVID, anxiety had become the most commonly diagnosed issue in classrooms across this country. Given the stress of this time, of disrupted school and more pressure on families, we are seeing a rise in the stress and anxiety demonstrated by children. In this session, you will learn concrete strategies to help your children become more resilient to stress and to better endure normal anxious feelings. You will also find tips to differentiate “normal” stress and anxiety responses from more serious symptoms, how to intervene without interfering, and when to seek help.
September 15, 6:30 p.m.
September 21, 6:30 p.m.
September 29, 6:30 p.m.
Click here to reserve your spot>>
More About Dr. Jules Nolan:
Dr. Nolan has worked as a School Psychologist, Assessment Consultant, Evaluator and Trainer since 2008, performing duties including teacher in-services, mental and behavioral health intervention, qualification for special education services, social and emotional learning, Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, Nurtured Heart Approach, MindUp Curriculum, and more.
Dr. Nolan is the president-elect of the Minnesota School Psychology Association, chairwoman of the Issues in Human Diversity Committee for International School Psychology Association, and adjunct Faculty Minnesota State University, Departments of Psychology and Special Education.
Dr. Nolan is author or co-author of the following:
School Psychologists’ Self-perception of Multicultural Competence. Trainers Forum, 31(1), 7-20.
An Assessment of Resiliency and Life Satisfaction in High School-aged Students in Belize. International Journal of Psychological Studies. 6(4), 115-122.
International Experience in Multicultural School Psychology. The Newspaper of the National Association of School Psychologists. 36, 33.
District-wide Approach to Social Emotional Learning: Standards, benchmarks and student assessment. Workshop presentation for International School Psychology Association, Sao Paulo, Brazil. June 2015.
Woman of Courage and Vision (2009) Peer nomination and university recognition from the office of the President at MSU-M for women in leadership roles at Minnesota State-Mankato.