Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year! School starts Tuesday, September 3rd for students in grades 1-8 and Thursday, September 5th Let’s all hold one another in praye and make this a great year for the Carondelet Catholic School community.
School Supply Lists>>
Mark your calendars for these upcoming Back-to-School events:
Pre-K and Kindergarten Playdate in the Park: (Tuesday, August 13)
Incoming pre-k and kindergarteners are invited to join us for a playdate before school starts. The playdate is scheduled for Tuesday, August 13th from 9:00-10:30 am at Linden Hills Park. Kindergarteners are encouraged to wear their Carondelet t-shirts handed out at the spring Kinder Garden Party.
VIRTUS Volunteer Training: (Tuesday, August 27)
There is a VIRTUS training session scheduled for Tuesday, August 27th from 6:00-9:00 pm in Carondelet's Upper Campus Social Hall (Lower Level of Christ the King Church). Reminder, all volunteers must attend a VIRTUS training session, complete a background check, and sign a Code of Conduct prior to volunteering in the classroom, chaperoning field trips, etc. VisitVIRTUSto register for an upcoming session at Carondelet or a neighboring church or school.
Back-to-School Open House: (Wednesday, August 28)
Families will receive their classroom assignments, meet their teachers, and drop off school supplies at the Wednesday, August 28th Back-to-School Open House, scheduled for 5:00-7:00 pm. Please allow approximately a half hour to an hour (any time between 5-7 pm*) at your child's/children's respective campus/campuses. All families are invited to join us for an Ice Cream Social at both campuses during the event.
*Transfer Families: Doors will open at 4:30 pm for transfer families new to Carondelet, to allow more personalized time and attention.
Middle School Orientation: (Wednesday, August 28)
6th grade students and their parents should join us immediately after our open house at 7:00 pm in the Church of Christ the King to learn more about Middle School: the teachers, enrichment classes, class schedules, and the iPad 1:1 program. We look forward to seeing each of you there!
Middle School iPad Information Nights: We have scheduled mandatory iPad Training Sessions for new middle school students (all 6th graders and any new 7th/8th graders) and their parents. Click here for sign-up link.
School Supplies:Students are invited to drop off their school supplies in their classrooms at the Welcome Back Open House. View the school supply list here.
Bus Information: Families who requested busing transportationwill receive a postcard in the mail by mid-August with your family's bus stop location and times. Additions and questions regarding transportation may be directed to Chad Loeffler.
Lunch Orders:The lunch menu and order form for September can befound here. Orders are due by Monday, August 19 at 10:00 am. You may choose one or as many days as you like. Please remember to keep a copy of your order for your records! Orders will be billed to your school account. Late orders cannot be accepted.
Annual Milk Cards: An annual milk card will be automatically billed to your family's school account at the rate of $40 per student. The annual card is good for one milk per day. If students would like additional milk, they can purchase a double card for $80. Families may opt out of the annual milk card program by emailing Julie Stoeger.
Uniform Policy: Carondelet’s uniform policy can be found on theschool website.Most of our uniform apparel can be purchased at a store of your choice (Target, Lands' End, Old Navy, Educational Outfitters, etc.) while the CCS plaid skirts and jumpers are available exclusively at Educational Outfitters and Lands' End.
New School Hours: Please note the school hours for the 2019-2020 school year:
Upper Campus: 9:00 am-3:45 pm (doors open at 8:45 am)
Lower Campus: 9:10 am-3:35 pm (doors open at 8:55 am)
Parent Information Nights: In September we will have our Parent Information Nights at each campus. Please mark your calendars for Tuesday evening, September 17th for the Upper Campus, and/or Thursday, September 19th for the Lower Campus. Watch the News Notes for a full schedule in the weeks ahead.
New Parent Reception: Parents new to to Carondelet are welcome to join us for a reception hosted by Home & School on Thursday, September 19 from 5:30-6:30 PM in the Lower Campus courtyard. (Lower Campus Parent Night immediately following).Student Medication: Carondelet Catholic School is not permitted to give students any medication without written permission from the parent and written instructions from the doctor. This includes over the counter medicines. Doctors prescribing medication to be taken during school hours are to write medication orders for the school that include the time to administer the medication, dosage, and a termination date for administering the medication. If your child must have medication administered during school hours, please obtain a consent form from the office.
School personnel may administer medication (including over-the-counter products) only if the written order of a licensed physician and written authorization of the parent are on file in the school office. All medication is to be sent to school in the original labeled bottle from the pharmacy or store.
Band Sign-Up: Carondelet offers a band program for students in grades 4-8. The cost is $25/child per month (or $225 per student annually) for weekly band lessons given on designated band days when school is in session. Band sign-up for students new to band will take place the first week of school this year. Please watch the News Notes for further details.Sign-up here (returning band students).
Tuition Payments/Schedule:Click here to view the 2019-2020 tuition schedule.Please email Julie Stoeger, Business Manager with questions regarding billing and tuition.
Parent/Student Handbook: Our Parent/Student Handbook islinked here.Please print the last page, sign it and return it to school to verify receipt.
We encourage you to keep an eye on theCarondelet websitefor other upcoming news and events. We look forward to seeing you and your family soon!