Mission: To provide an environment where emphasis is placed on the appreciation of literature and to assist students in the development of skills needed for lifelong learning. Students will become effective users of ideas and information.
About Us : The Carondelet Library has over 20,000 items in our collection including fiction, nonfiction, magazines, reference materials, databases, and e-books. Both campus libraries are fully computerized and our library catalog is available to search from school and home.
Book Selection: Books are selected to enrich and support the curriculum, taking into consideration the interest, abilities, and maturity levels of our students. Book selection is the responsibility of the librarian, with input from the Carondelet community. If you would like to suggest a book you think the library should purchase, please click here.
Donations: The library is happy to accept donations of your gently-used (in good condition) children's and teen books from home. Perhaps your child has outgrown a favorite series or has other books they no longer read and you would like to donate those books to the school. You are also welcome to donate a birthday book; for information about that, see "birthday book club" below.
Birthday Book Club: We invite all students to join the Carondelet Catholic School Birthday Book Club. Here's how it works: On the occasion of their birthday, students are invited to donate a new birthday book to our library. The book will be added to the library and a special bookplate will be placed in the book acknowledging the gift giver. The tradition of donating a book is a unique and lasting birthday treat that enhances the library for all of our students. We appreciate your support!
The Wild Rumpus http://www.wildrumpusbooks.com, a children's bookstore located at 2720 W. 43rd Street, will offer a discount on books purchased for our library, if you let them know it's for our library when you checkout. Please click here to learn more about birthday books and see a suggested book list.
Curriculum: Students in grades kindergarten through eighth are sequentially taught a variety of library and information skills. These skills are reinforced and enhanced at each grade.
Policies : Students may check out materials for two weeks and may renew materials beyond the two week limit if no one has those items reserved. Overdue fines are not charged, but replacement fines will be charged for damaged or lost materials.