Carondelet Catholic School partners with an Advisory Council on matters related to policy development, marketing, finance, and long-term development and planning. Council members are drawn primarily from Christ the King and St. Thomas the Apostle parishes, with the majority of our members being parents or guardians of Carondelet students. The Canonical Administrator, appointed by the Archbishop, and the School Principal, are ex-officio members of the Council.
The Advisory Council generally meets on a monthly basis with the exception of July.
Melanie Aylward
Emily Byrne
Teresa Evans
Tim Kocourek Rich Oberlies
For questions about joining the Advisory Council, please contact Rich Oberlies, Board Chair.
Carondelet Catholic School is accredited by the Minnesota Nonpublic School Accrediting Association (MNSAA). Every seven years we must apply for reaccreditation. The reaccreditation process includes a year long collaborative self study through which we gather information from every stakeholder segment of the Carondelet community to identify areas of strength and challenge. A team of educators from MNSAA conducts an on-site visit to validate the findings of the self study. A school strategic plan with goals based on the findings of our self study is written by a team including school faculty, administration and board members. School administration must report to MNSAA annually on the progress toward the goals outlined in the self study.
MNSAA requires compliance in the following standards in order for a school to be accredited:
1. Mission and Philosophy
2. Teaching and Learning
3. Climate for Learning
4. Communication and Community Relationships
5. Personnel
6. Leadership, Administration, and Governance
7. School Strategic Plan for Improvement