The elementary program begins on the Lower campus in first and second grade and continues on the Upper campus in third through fifth grade. Students are encouraged to reach their potential in a loving, caring environment. Christian values are taught and modeled by teachers and staff. The message teachers instill in students is that they are important, respected and loved.
The focus throughout the elementary program is on educating the whole child. Teachers strive to know each child as an individual, not just as a student. We provide a wide variety of activities throughout these five years to nurture positive development in all areas of a child’s life - emotional, social, spiritual, physical, as well as academic.
Teachers support each other and work together to nurture their students. Together with parents, they create a spirit of community in which every child is valued and every family is important. Prayer is a part of the daily routine and is done in a variety of ways.
Since children’s attitudes toward themselves and learning is established during their primary years, we provide a solid academic foundation while instilling a love of learning. Creativity and self-expression are encouraged in every activity. No two classrooms are alike; diversity and richness in variety are evident throughout both campuses.
Instruction begins with broad coverage of subjects, and through the grades gradually becomes more focused on in-depth study. Individual attention is given to all students, and flexible groupings in some subjects are provided to accommodate differences and needs.
Students work independently as well as in cooperative teams. Many opportunities are given for making choices and developing personal responsibility, no matter how learning takes place. Children learn to take ownership of their ideas and actions, and positive behavior is continually rewarded by all the staff.
Global awareness occurs through stories, poetry, art, language and music. An understanding and acceptance of all people develops as students learn to value differences and accept their responsibility to contribute to our world through many social justice projects.