An Evening of Lessons and Carols
Christmas Program Information
We are hosting two opportunities to share An Evening of Lessons and Carols on December 19, 2023. We would love to have as parishioners, grandparents and parents join us!
Parents- Please read the information below carefully for information regarding drop off and pick up for both performances and the dress expectations for the concert!
9:30 am MORNING Performance Information:
3-8 parents:
Please drop your child off at the normal time on Tuesday morning. Doors will open at 8:50 am to accommodate the lower campus drop off.
If you are attending the Morning Program, doors to the church space will open at 9:10 am. Please wait outside the building until then to enter!
Pre-K-2nd grade parents:
Please pull through the drop off line by entering the CTK parking lot off of Zenith Ave and follow the car line. Doors will open at 8:50 am for drop off. Please drop off your child at the main church entrance along the horseshoe. There will be lower campus staff to bring them to their homebase in the school.
If you are attending the Morning Program, doors to the church space will open at 9:10 am. Please wait outside the building until then to enter!
Lower campus students will be BUSSED back to Lower campus following the program.
7:00 pm EVENING Performance Information:
Prek-2nd grade parents:
Please drop your child off at the CTK Church main entrance along the horseshoe at 6:30 pm. Staff will be waiting for your child and will escort them to their home base location (see below).
Following the program, please head to your child’s home base immediately following the program.
Home bases:
Pre-K: in the church by the grand piano
Kindergarten: Mrs. Gunderson’s music room at the bottom of the stairs on your right.
1st Grade: Cafeteria (go down the stairs, take a right past the elevator, take another right).
2nd grade: Cafeteria (go down the stairs, take a right past the elevator, take another right).
3-8 grade parents:
Please drop off your children at the school’s main entrance at 6:30 pm. They will proceed to their homeroom, and teachers will be waiting for them there.
Following the performance, students will be waiting for you in their homerooms. Please head to your child’s homeroom immediately following the program by exiting the church doors and walking to the front door of the school.
Please send a hanger with your child so that their dress clothes can be hung during the day!